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Free Browser Upgrades| Browsers
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MicroSoft Internet Explorer MS IExplorer
AOL America Online is now free AOL

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Add a Plugin to your browser for viewing many graphics, animation, movies or other multi-media: 
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Shockwave Shockwave
Windows Media Player  Windows Media Player 
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Free Web Document Readers| Readers
Download free software to open and view files on your computer: 
Adobe PDF Reader Adobe PDF Reader
MicroSoft Word Viewer - free version MS Word Viewer
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About WebWiser's NET HELP site
WebWiser for Web Design Development and more | Who we are

InterNET HELP is brought to you by
WebWiser Inc. at

InterNET Help
From time to time we all need a little help with the Internet. WebWiser has collected some of the most "Frequently Asked Questions" by clients and visitors, and now offers everyone quick assistance with this specialized directory.
Something for Everyone - Not Just for Newbie Internet Users!
The Internet is constantly growing and changing. There are now millions of web sites, and billions of users online. Both the experienced and new web users need to keep up with this constantly changing media and that can be hard to do.  The new user may find Web lingo, search engines, browsers, multi-media and email confusing.  The skilled user may want quicker access to informative links.  WebWiser's NET HELP is here to assist you!


| Web Definitions - Top Ten

Here are just a few "Frequently Asked" web definitions. Use the link below for more definition help:

  • Email:  "Electronic mail" sent from a software program that transmits messages over a network, such as the Internet.
  • ISP: "Internet Service Provider" (or Internet Access Providers) is a company that provides the viewer access to the Internet. The ISP provides each client with a Browser software package, their own username with password, and access to the Internet by either Dialup, DSL or a Cable connection number.  The client must have a computer equipped with a modem to connect to the ISP in order to log-on to the Internet, browse the Web, and send or receive email. 
  • Web: Originally known as the "World Wide Web."
  • Web Page: A single file made up of HTML, text and graphics. It is also known as an HTML document.
  • HTML: Is the abbreviations for "Hypertext Markup Language." This is the basic coding within a web page that your browser reads and interprets visually. It is the coding for the layout, colors, and fonts that create the web page you view online.
  • Web Site: These are the web files that collectively make a site, and are stored on a web server.
  • Web Server: A large computer that stores all the files necessary to create a web site and connect to the internet for viewers online .
  • Web Host: A company that rents space on their servers, with 24/7 maintenance service to keep the web sites alive on the Internet.
  • Domain: This is the text "name" of a web site that is easily remembered, and used for the actual numeric IP address it is assigned to. Domain names are registered by the web site owner, and may contain one of many extensions (.com/.net/.org, etc).
  • Web Designer, Web Developer, and Webmaster: The person or company that designs, builds, and maintains a web site. Each has a special job, but may also encompass all services in the development of a web site.
Free Web Internet Net Help Assistance

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WebWiser Inc. specializes in web site customization, maintenance, and graphics
for companies and individuals across the United States and around the World.

WebWiser Inc is located in Bayville - Berkeley Township - Ocean County - NJ Shore NY Metro Area - New Jersey - USA.

Site Content Protected Under International and U.S. Copyright Laws.  WebWiser is a Trademark of WebWiser Incorporated since 1998.
All other trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. Please read our Legal section.

PLEASE NOTE -- This site is best viewed using:
IExplorer 5+, Netscape 7+, or a newer browser for use with Flash, JavaScript, CCS, and other multimedia capabilities;
An ISP with Internet connection of 56k dial-up or DSL to load web pages faster and better with images, links and all text;
Site designed for computer settings of 256 colors and monitor screens sized at 1024x768 or larger (AOL windows 800x600).

Please GO TO WebWiser's InterNET HELP area for information on Upgrading your Browser, and for instructions on Changing your Screen
Dimensions to a larger setting if the layout causes you to scroll horizontally to see the entire contents of a page as you browse,